Step 1

BULLFROG SNOT and suggested installation tool.

BULLFROG SNOT and suggested installation tool.

Double or Single Bit tools work equally well as do small brushes, stripwood, twigs, etc…

BULLFROG SNOT is a product and a process. For true joy, follow these instructions. Please.

Step 2

The very basic BULLFROG SNOT work station

The very basic BULLFROG SNOT work station

… For split frame locos, the chassis is ‘hot’, so just touching the
frames makes the wheels move…

Step 3

Installing BULLFROG SNOT, just touch it to the rotating wheel.

Installing BULLFROG SNOT, just touch it to the rotating wheel. “Yard speed” works well.

Step 4

Proper direction of rotation to install BULLFROG SNOT

Proper direction of rotation to install BULLFROG SNOT. Do it wrong and you’ll get ‘clumps.’ Nobody likes clumpy BULLFROG SNOT.

Step 5

Installing BULLFROG SNOT on a SD-35

Installing BULLFROG SNOT on a SD-35

Notice that the wheels are ‘bare.’ BULLFROG SNOT does not like fresh factory blackened wheels, so scuff ’em clean or BULLFROG SNOT will not want to stick.

Step 6

Fresh, properly applied BULLFROG SNOT.

Fresh, properly applied BULLFROG SNOT.

Keep the wheels turning as the BULLFROG SNOT cures, until the color is gone, maybe 10 minutes or so.

Step 7

Cured BULLFROG SNOT, thin, tight, smooth

Cured BULLFROG SNOT, thin, tight, smooth

Let it fully cure for a few hours, or better; overnight.

Enjoy. It will change the way you run your trains!

Step 8 – Optional

Trim the SNOT!

If more conductivity is desired, trim the cured BULLFROG SNOT from the flange area. Works great for 4-4-0’S, 0-4-0’S, etc…

Watch the video for a demonstration.

Watch the installation video

Installing BULLFROG SNOT is easy.

Installing BULLFROG SNOT is easy.

To replace a tire missing from a grooved wheel, apply multiple layers over a period of several days (not all at once) allowing each to fully cure before proceeding, until the desired level is reached. Check the grip by on-track testing.