Well, the answer just might be in a little 1 oz. green jar of BULLFROG SNOT.
I-Lokomotiven aufgetragen werden kann, um die Zugkraft zu erhöhen. Im flüssigen Zustand ist Bullfrog Snot ...
I'm sure someones tongue was firmly in his or her cheeck when this product was named. Our hobby has never been short of people with a sense of humor! ...
Bullfrog Snot is by far one of the more interesting new items released for the model train industry this year. Locomotive traction has always been a concern, and Bullfrog Snot offers a solution.
...don't let the name scare you off... this Bullfrog Snot is actually a liquid plastic that when applied to a loco's wheels creates a traction tire...
...it does meet the claims by the distributor and can be useful for anyone looking to get more traction relatively easily. For my purposes it exceeds what I expected...
Ah, but we also sometimes have traction tires. Those rubbery O-rings, an inherent genetic curse on N scale, which will wobble, rot away with age, and often pop off the drivers under load...